Forward Result Flag used while also requesting a result

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looks like choosing the Gallery then select multiple then share with gallery leads to this excaption. Galleries uploadwithpath crashes because we set that flag while also requesting a result /done


Id: dc60edb63f6f0a485017d68fcd4e42e212cfea18
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2011-07-21 00:17 GMT
Creator: Matt Katz <mattkatz@...>
Release: 0.2 (released 2011-08-25)
Component: upfuckr
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2011-07-21 00:57 GMT Matt Katz <mattkatz@...> closed with disposition fixed
Changed to StartActivity and then called Finish
2011-07-21 00:18 GMT Matt Katz <mattkatz@...> changed status from unstarted to in_progress
2011-07-21 00:17 GMT Matt Katz <mattkatz@...> created