upfuckr component: upfuckr

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All issues

2011-08-04 spinner is too faint 0.3
2011-08-04 phantom folders 0.3
2011-08-04 Make buttons from main options menu 0.3
fixed 2011-07-21 Backing out from selecting a pic 0.2
fixed 2011-07-21 upload from gallery view 0.2
fixed 2011-07-21 Forward Result Flag used while also requesting a result 0.2
fixed 2011-04-21 crash when you hit back from config 0.2
2011-02-10 handle UnknownHostException gracefully
fixed 2011-02-03 onResume supers to onstart 0.2
2011-02-02 Add a link from home screen to home page 0.3
2011-01-26 Reduce the startup speed for gallery list 0.3
2011-01-05 Uploads should be background notifications
fixed 2010-12-30 Make a button to force resync of galleries 0.2
fixed 2010-12-30 make the breadcrumb match the current directory 0.2
fixed 2010-12-28 Don't show web or thumb directories 0.2
fixed 2010-12-09 Create GalleryList from Cached data 0.2
fixed 2010-12-08 Cache list of galleries 0.2
2010-08-30 Make the uploads cancelable 0.3
fixed 2010-08-30 Make the gallery load async 0.2
fixed 2010-08-30 cache gallery listing 0.2
fixed 2010-08-30 handle uploading inside AsyncTask 0.2
fixed 2010-08-29 Show image being uploaded during upload 0.2
2010-08-22 test connection from preferences
fixed 2010-08-21 remove andftp dependancy 0.2
2010-08-21 make a edit-share details view for an image 0.3
fixed 2010-08-21 Display list of galleries for user to put photos into 0.2
fixed 2010-08-21 get list of galleries 0.2
reorganized 2010-08-18 a quick readme 0.2
fixed 2010-08-18 screenshots for release 0.2 0.2
won't fix 2010-08-18 Screenshots for release 0.1 0.1
2010-08-11 Make upload button able to launch gallery for multiple image picking
2010-08-02 put something useful and good looking in the middle of the screen
fixed 2010-08-02 Should handle multiple image upload 0.1
fixed 2010-06-26 handle multiple picture picking 0.2
fixed 2010-06-26 create new remote fuckflickr folders 0.2
fixed 2010-06-26 Choose a gallery to put a picture into 0.2
fixed 2010-06-26 change add site to site credentials 0.1
won't fix 2010-06-26 add a bit fat done button. 0.1
fixed 2010-06-26 make upload button launch a gallery picker 0.1
2010-06-25 let user specify nonstandard ftp port 0.3
fixed 2010-06-25 Polish up the strings 0.1
2010-06-25 Put in YAML parsing and editing 0.3
won't fix 2010-06-25 detect if AndFTP is installed 0.2
2010-06-24 Show site picker list when you use send intent
fixed 2010-06-24 Show the credential enter screen when no credentials exist 0.1
fixed 2010-06-24 Layout for entering credentials 0.1
2010-06-09 Upload a picture with info 0.3
fixed 2010-06-09 upload a picture 0.1
fixed 2010-06-09 input credentials and location 0.1
fixed 2010-06-09 Store credentials and location 0.1
fixed 2010-06-09 Add an intent to the gallery 0.1
fixed 2010-06-09 eliminate eclipse learn
fixed 2010-06-09 android tutorial learn
fixed 2010-06-09 setup android tools learn