Issues not assigned to any release

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2014-03-11 Deleting a duplicated feed in list doesn't remove from tags
2014-01-02 Suggest tags?
2014-01-02 Fix post updates
2013-09-08 make orbital default rss handler in chrome
2013-09-08 Make Drag and Drop url handling work in subs window
2013-09-08 make orbital default rss handler in firefox
fixed 2013-09-02 Published date still not always being properly stored
2013-09-01 When accessed by a new user, add sample feeds if they don't have anything.
2013-08-22 Orbital TV
2013-08-22 Pitch it clearer - what is it supposed to do.
2013-08-22 Add feed should provide better feedback on adding
2013-06-30 Music display
fixed 2012-10-25 Sometimes read/unread status doesn't update
2012-10-25 Embedded youtube videos should display
2012-10-25 Add comment link
won't fix 2012-10-10 Import your google reader followers or following.json
reorganized 2012-07-20 Menu Title should have total unread number
won't fix 2012-05-09 Support PostGres
2012-05-09 Masonry Display
2012-05-04 Ambient display
fixed 2012-04-30 Fresh unread count in menu item!
2012-04-18 simplify simplepie feed detection logic
2012-04-17 Add a sanity check for installation
2012-04-12 go from manual update on feed edit to wpdb->update
2012-04-12 confirm or undo on unsubscribe
2012-04-12 Multi feed edit
2012-04-12 Save on edit feed should enable only when dirty
won't fix 2012-03-15 Create a helper for commands
2012-01-09 Allow secret key url for triggering feed update
2012-01-05 PubSubHubBub
2012-01-04 Better noncing
2011-12-31 DB uninstall doesn't work.
fixed 2011-12-29 Extract backend hooks to a single backend file
2011-12-29 Startup experience
fixed 2011-12-28 Ajax request feed list, display on page
fixed 2011-12-16 Create scaffolding - script to update the site, etc
2011-12-16 wireframe the rest of the features
fixed 2011-12-16 Learn about admin screens for plugins