Wordfence plugin shouldn't break the page.

« Orbital project page

for some reason an alert by wordfence screws up not just the page layout, but even the clicking of links.


Id: fea1c5fd4c17f7a804dae529c19c3fbd395a8b2c
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2013-07-09 02:48 UTC
Creator: Matt Katz <ditz@...>
Release: 0.2 Wordpress integration (unreleased)
Component: Orbital
Status: unstarted

Issue log

2013-08-06 11:26 UTC Matt Katz <ditz@...> assigned to release 0.2 Wordpress integration from 0.1.1
ditz assign Subscriptions aren't refreshing automatically fixed doh.
2013-07-09 02:48 UTC Matt Katz <ditz@...> created