Set all as read on import

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Man - if you're already reading stuff and you import an opml file, you should be able to import with most stuff already read. Maybe you should be able to pick a date and say "mark everything earlier than this read during import" maybe you should just say don't import items older than that. maybe you should just mark all as read during the initial import.


Id: 1238346c6cb4bf0c484920b3c6a52104f6d52d9f
Type: feature
Creation time: 2013-08-22 00:03 UTC
Creator: Matt Katz <ditz@...>
Release: 0.2 Wordpress integration (unreleased)
Component: Orbital
Status: unstarted

Issue log

2013-08-22 00:03 UTC Matt Katz <ditz@...> created