Guid should be unique on entries.

« Orbital project page

add the unique constraint back in on the table when adding an entry, look up to see if the guid exists first then update if it does


Id: 01bda893c2cba3e16a7b6626ca60fc267585a0a9
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2012-05-09 15:43 UTC
Creator: Matt Katz <ditz@...>
Release: 0.1 - Feeds, Subscribed (released 2013-07-09)
Component: Orbital
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2012-05-20 17:09 UTC Matt Katz <ditz@...> closed with disposition fixed
this was done a while ago, wasn't it?
2012-05-09 15:43 UTC Matt Katz <ditz@...> created