infinite scroll

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angular has some sort of inifinite scroll library oh god I just spelled infinite inifinite. no going back now.


Id: 449e95b8c2c72dac1c3445742a41a1ecebc3bbd0
Type: feature
Creation time: 2013-04-16 12:27 UTC
Creator: matt <matt@...>
Release: 0.1 - Feeds, Subscribed (released 2013-07-09)
Component: Orbital
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2013-04-23 00:38 UTC matt <matt@...> closed with disposition fixed
2013-04-22 18:24 UTC matt <matt@...> changed status from unstarted to in_progress
let's try to just add in the ng-infinite scroll plugin
2013-04-16 12:27 UTC matt <matt@...> created